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Tampilkan postingan dengan label Ramadhan. Tampilkan semua postingan

Rabu, 15 Juli 2015

Ramadan in Tarim, The City of Thousand Wali

Ramadan in Tarim, The City of Thousand Wali By: Imam Abdullah El-Rashied Indonesian Student at the Faculty of Shariah, Imam Shafie College, Mokalla, Hadramout - Yemen. Just in Ramadan 1436 H / 2015, Alhamdulillah, I and most of my college friends both from Indonesia and Saudi got a chance to fill time off Class in Tarim city, town famous for the City of Thousand Wali. Not because of a city is born thousands Wali, even listed on Funeral Zanbal, Furait and Akdar have buried 10,000 bodies of the mayor and 80 Wali Qutub (Peak degrees wali / Leader The Guardian). Not unlike the vast Tarim City area of ​​the sub-district in Indonesia. Although fairly small, the city is at least has about 367 mosques. Distance from mosque to mosque only a few hundred meters away there is even only 5 M are even attached to one another.
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Rabu, 01 September 2010


Semua pasti telah mengetahui keutamaan malam Lailatul Qadar. Namun, kapan malam tersebut datang? Lalu adakah tanda-tanda dari malam tersebut? Semoga kita dimudahkan oleh Allah untuk mendapatkan malam yang keutamaannya lebih baik dari 1000 bulan.

Segala puji bagi Allah atas berbagai macam nikmat yang Allah berikan. Shalawat dan salam atas suri tauladan kita Nabi Muhammad shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam kepada keluarganya dan para pengikutnya.

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